Integrating the future into your conference

If you are looking for a futurist for your conference, then either you think your people need to understand more about what's changing around them or your members have said that they want to hear about the future. Having a futurist as the opening speaker for your conference is powerful for broadening your attendees' perspectives, but all too often, everything after the opening speaker reverts to today's concerns and ways of seeing.  

We can work with you as you are planning your event, to help you reflect the future in every aspect of your conference, from walk-through or virtual futures experiences on arrival to the way sessions are run during the conference, from future-focussed activites at the beginning and end of sessions to games that run throughout the conference. We can work with your other speakers to add a futures dimension to their sessions or we can provide a futures strand of workshops and presentations for your event.

We can also help you to do an Integrity of Practice check to ensure that the values you espouse and your intentions towards the future are modeled in the way you are running your conference.

Ready to talk to a futures expert?

Whether you've seen something on the site that you think would be right for your organisation, or you need something that is tailored specifically to your organisation and context, we're ready to help you on your futures journey. Get in touch now.

Let's talk